Late last month, I decided to join a few friends at a musical.Was quite hesitant at first,i've never been one to be musically inclined but who wouldn't love Mary Poppins rite?Lady flying with an umbrella,totally awesome i soon came to realise.Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!!Might make watching musical plays a new interest.If only i had that much cash to spare.

Us imu transfer decided to snuggle together and what other better movie to watch then Braveheart.Too bad it was filmed in Ireland but nevertheless meaningful as it spoke of Edinburgh.Hehe.Plus the timing was just right for Sarah's birthday.
Orchestra for Caroling
Accompanied Sarah to a an orchestra belting out Christmas Carols.I have to say they are somewhat different from those back home but i liked it nevertheless.Miss hearing Jem playing 12 days of Christmas.
Beautiful carvings in the church...the last supper
The huge organ
I've come to realise that Christmas is a big family affair in the UK or more like for the Western civalisation.Everytime i answer a question about my plans for Christmas,there is a look of shock and disbelief that i'm not going home.It's gonna be my first Chirstmas in the land where they actually celebrate Christmas proper.Hopefully it'll be fun with turkey and all.Nevertheless,what is Christmas without the Christmas trees?
At Sarah'sBetween NRIE and Chancellor's Building