Saturday, May 3, 2008

There Goes Another

It's saturday but no badminton...Why Why?Damn sad.This reminds me of someone.

With the months passing by unnoticed,the time came for another friend to leave for clinical phase overseas.This time it was Yinn Khurn , a great comrade in the badminton court.It just seemed like yesterday when I had mistaken his name for Lincoln during the recruitment for IMUCUP.As the weeks,months and years of training in the courts get drilled into becoming my second nature, i'm pretty sure Yinn Khurn's constant nagging for me to run will be well embedded for years to come.Despite having spent time at the farewell party and learning to play PLayStation 3 for the first time,I shall still miss my Saturday Badminton Friend.Reality is starting to set in as one by one my weekly routines/constants gets scratched off the list.It'll will soon be the time when i need to find new friends and new interests.

Since no badminton practice,what to do?I went to the Royal Sporting House Warehouse sale and got myself a new badminton and tennis racquet at a price that would give you a heart attack.Retail therapy is always the best.

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