Well the story all started when Ah Yen had decided to stay for another night.Since she was around ,definitly had to go lepak lar rite?But it wasn't her fault,it was my itch that had to be scratched, to be blunt.I suggested we go to Luna Bar for dinner since she was already in town.So i happily drove downtown only to realise that the air conditioning in my dad's car was a little unorthodox.It was blowing hot air as i was moving sluggishly thru the jam after the SMART tunnel.But i tot it was just acting up cos it happened the night before and it was okie when i steeped on the gas.By the time i made it to the entrance of Pavilion to get Hui Yen and Flora,it was pretty warm till the windscreen was fogged up.Even with my doubts,still calmly i drove towards our destination.Come the traffic light near Nouvo, i noticed snake like smoke coming out from the bonet.Panic gila..When the light turned green immediately i bypassed the turning to Luna Bar and stopped at the nearest possible area.Which was apparently Shangri-La but looking ahead there was Caltex.It was just a meter or more to enter.Why not just try inching there kan?
Even that mere meter had cause now clouds of smoke to be emitted.I really thought the car was goin to burn...Mind was blank..just praying everything will go away.
Thank goodness i was with friends.Ah Yen managed to persuade the cashier who initially didn't wanna help to come out to see what was wrong.After many cans of water being poured onto the radiator,finally it stopped spurting hot water and we could open to determine what was wrong.I had wish that the whole thing was caused by ignorance of not filling up the water rather then a fan problem but my worst fears always had to come at the wrong time.For goodness sake i was in the middle of town.Called dad...couldn't tell if he was mad..maybe for like one second then he asked me to slowly drive back or if i have to just lock the car and leave it till the next day.But he came up with a better 3rd solution.Call Kurnia Assistance.That sounded best.
Thank you Caltex guy.
Conversation with Mr Operator wasn't the most pleasant,maybe cos i wasn't in a good mood.He kept telling me the car wasn't insured under the name i gave.Or more correctly 'Tak ada nama ini'.he repeated that quite a few times till i figured who it was insured under then only he decided to help me.
However Mr Tow guy was really nice and efficient,he arrived pretty quick and was very polite.
Initially we 3 girls thought it would be quite cool to ride in the car towed by the tow truck but Mr Tow guy said "Tak boleh,polis tangkap"Oops..so we squeezed in the truck all the way back to pj before my aunt had to send me back.
I really feel like a dumb person...i dunno why i hadn't notice the temperature climbing.Never had i imagine i would be stuck in that 'car break down and get towed' situation while passersby watched.Ishk..
Fortunately i always have family and friend to support when i'm in hot soup.Damn sayang them.Thanks again Hui Yen and Flora for being such good company.
nevertheless the experience of being towed was really once-in-a-lifetime eh..hehe..thank god everything was ok in the end. thank god the car didnt break down in the middle of a jam or sth like that.it couldve been worse
chee mei, i'm sorry to hear tat u had to be caught up in such situation. i feel bad. if i were to not go out to meet my frens the other day, u won have to plan to go luna and ur car won end up in smoke n u won have to towed all the way to PJ.
sorry cos i wasnt there when all of this happened but thank god everything was in 1 piece.
n thanks for putting me n yen up at ur place for several nites. if we've caused u any probs wif ur hsemates, a thousand apology ya.
i din knw ur hsemate can be so fussy over every single thing.
Hui Yen : Well it was something diff this time instead our usual makan and shopping outings.Something for the last journey before taking our separate paths.
Karen:You're definitely not one to be blamed for this.Most prob i would have dragged you along for it anyway if you were around.Then that would be more of a drama.For the record,you're always welcome to crash at my whichever lodging you choose.No worries about nitty little details
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