Monday, September 22, 2008

Max-ed Out Weekend

The Weekend,probably the most waited days of the week for me.It was suppose to be my personal time plus a lil sports but in just a blink of an eye,it became a festivity.It started off friday itself when i finally got to play tennis for the week and started getting fond of the Nintendo Wii Fitness.Felt a little competitive spirit going on as Han Ying and myself went up against Darren's long trail of excellent records.Seriously that was the most fun i've ever had with a controller game.I've discovered i have a talent for balancing under the pretence of the Wii Yoga.Maybe i might just take up some real yoga classes.


About 8 hours after that, we had our first dose of Saturday morning tennis.Note to self, never play tennis right out of bed and without prior brekkie.Enjoyed the game till the max and felt every muscle in my body ache.Good sign.Before we could even get a break or some food,we had to do zooming fast shopping for sushi material then head on for shopping in Livingston with Ven Gee.Nearly gone hypoglycaemia when we got there.Han Ying and i look like drained corpse.Nevertheless,i reenergised with my first fish and chips ever since i've been in the UK at As all girls would have done, Han Ying and i decided to ditch sushi plans with the guys in her flat for more shopping time.Hehe.Despite it being a designer outlet, my expectations were simply crushed.The only thing i felt was worth our 45 minutes journey was cheap Cadbury Chocolates.

My one and only day to sleep in.But felt really guilty when i missed the chance to talk to my dad.Huhu.It wasn't a total lost as my lil sis and mummy was around.I'm so waiting for the day my debit card would clear so i can get a proper phone line.Things here are freaking expensive thanks to the credit crisis going on.Need to save.

Went to check out the gym as it was the last day for fresher's to enter for free.I don't know what came upon me but i just introduced myself to some people playing volleyball and tried out for the volleyball team in jeans and ballerina shoes!!Pretty intimidating to play around unknown people, service took a while to get over the net.Damn malu but things warmed up pretty fast when i got encouragement from others. I can't say if i got in or not cos i dun even know but they did invite me to play again on saturday.It's pretty amazing just to train with them,they were on a totally new level unknown to me, even the girls can serve and spike taking the guys out just like that.

Finally we did manage to carry out our plan of making sushi for the guys during sunday dinner.Everything in Kincaid's court were finally toning down, very much dependent on the fact that the academic year officially starts on monday

Teaching Theo and Max to make sushi was super fun.Max is like a sushi wrapping prodigy.I didn't even get it right the first time.First and probably the last time we'll ever catch the guys sitting down nicely to have a meal without footballs flying,music blasting,cigarette smoke or alcohol.

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