Sunday, April 13, 2008

This Day In History

It's been exactly 1year since she went away.It had been the most trying time in my life. No amount of self inflicted stress or picking by a certain other person could have matched that torturous feeling inside.I keep wanting it to be over but the medical student inside of me knew what it really meant for it to be over.I bypassed a lot of events during that period of my life.But i would never change anything i did or how i spent my time.

We never got along when i was younger because of her ideologies of what young girls should do or why the eldest son is more superior.But as time passed,it didn't matter anymore.

I miss her noticing every new thing i buy.
I miss the times when we would share a laugh whenever she put on the dangly ear rings i bought for her.
I miss the times when she would prepare a feast waiting for my homecoming.
I miss telling her stuff my parents wouldn't understand.

She was my motivation to achieve.
She would have been the one most proud of me when i graduate.
As I am proud to have had her as my grandma


Celest said...

I admire your close relationship with your grandma.... She'd want you to be strong.... *Hugz*

Cheemz said...

Thanks Celest.I know she would too.