Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Planning for the future

Went to midval today on my healing sprained foot from basketball.It was nice to be able to put weight on 2 foot again instead of limping around.Lunch was at this place in Gardens called Rak Thai.I ordered a dish which was named Khao Ki Mao.Sounded pretty vulgar but tastes very good.Definitely worth going back.It actually tasted like something my friend,Gary prepared years back on a CNY gathering.It was sometime ago but basil always taste the same.Anyway,Mus and Ben didn't stay long after that.Sulking Mus was sleepy and grumpy.I on the other hand,stayed around and pursued an impulsive thought.I went for a walk in interview in Topshop.Took a lil time to build up courage but it wasn't that hard.Only dilemma now is,should i take this 8 hour a day,6 days a week,48 hours a week job in exchange of a research project which doesn't offer allowance.It's a classic battle between gaining experience or earning money.If everything had worked out as planned,i wouldn't have to consider this and Ah Ben wouldn't have to sell his body to be simulated patient.Why oh why do things never go as planned?I wonder if this is a test of patience and diligence.Even my hp's microphone bails on me when i need most to talk to people.Well i'll leave this all for a lil later.Gonna wake up to the excitement of getting my foot X-rayed.


Chia Huan said...

Wei wei....What happened to your leg?
Hope u're ok now...


Cheemz said...

Erm i played basketball lor.Actually fell like you.hehe but not that bad,just sprained foot.I fell once,then thought can play again,then i tripped on some guys foot.Now got bony protrusion,doesn't hurt but like deformity.