Monday, February 25, 2008

Valentine's Day

This is a pretty back dated post but i guess this wonderful warm memory will stick.Most single people might feel sidelined when it comes to that day every year.But i don't see the need to be.That's because i'll have friends single and taken alike that will make sure that i'm not forgotten.It's more like a celebration of friendship.Michelle and I did exactly that.What made it so great was that it was a last minute thing and it was the first time i got to meet her again after a year.So sweet kan?Got rose somemore and a golden packet full of souvenirs.In exchange my instinct had lead me to prepare a love letter.Hehe.What better way to tell a friend that it you appreciate them,then to tell them?But i know this psychic best friend of mine can understand me even before i say it.Makes me feel that this bond is just Magic.Maybe our magic did us good too,we were lucky enough to get a table in Chilles despite a huge crowd and spent the night chatting away.Seriously thinking back,it's not like we kept in touch daily,weekly or even at months at a time.Somehow,when I do face challenging times,I'll always have her to give me hope.Life is just more worth while with great friends to share with.


HS Ooi, CFP® said...

Interesting :) Good for you to have friends that you can share things with. Cheers!

HS Ooi, CFP® said...
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